
5 Vaginal Rejuvenation Questions Our Patients Ask

At Bawa Medical, our non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation options are popular among women looking to restore and rejuvenate the delicate vaginal tissues. Dr. Kanwal Bawa has assembled some of the industry’s foremost vaginal rejuvenation treatments that are exceptional in terms of effectiveness, convenience, patient satisfaction, and more.

Our patients have plenty of questions regarding vaginal rejuvenation, so we have answered five of the most common ones here.

What Type of Vaginal Rejuvenation Do You Recommend for Me?

Sexual health is not one-size-fits-all. We believe that a customized treatment approach is essential to helping each patient achieve their goals. We offer several treatments to rejuvenate and enhance the female genitalia, including:

Dr. Bawa will listen to your goals, examine you, and then develop an optimal treatment plan. Many of our patients see the best results with a combined approach that utilizes multiple procedures.  

Will Vaginal Rejuvenation Address My Intimate Concerns?

Vaginal rejuvenation can address a host of intimate concerns. If you are considering the procedure, we encourage you to think about your goals for the procedure. What do you hope to achieve?

Vaginal rejuvenation offers numerous benefits, a few of which include:

  • Reduced wrinkling of the labia and vulva
  • Increased firmness and plumpness of the external intimate tissues
  • Reduced vaginal dryness
  • Increased sexual pleasure
  • Tighter vaginal cavity
  • Reduced urinary leakage
  • Reduced pain during sexual intercourse

If vaginal rejuvenation isn’t a good fit for your goals, we may be able to recommend other treatment options. The best way to learn if the treatment is ideal for you is to schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Bawa.

Will Vaginal Rejuvenation Increase My Sexual Pleasure?

Yes, many of our patients report increased sexual enjoyment after a vaginal rejuvenation procedure. Our O-Shot® is another option for enhancing your sexual experience. This procedure uses PRFM (an augmented version of PRP) to stimulate clitoral and vaginal rejuvenation. The O-Shot® may improve female orgasms and intensify sensation.

What Does Vaginal Rejuvenation Recovery Look Like?

Surgical methods of vaginal rejuvenation can require a recovery period, but the non-surgical approaches we use at Bawa Medical generally allow for a much faster recovery. Patients often return to normal activities immediately. Dr. Bawa will provide specific recovery information for each procedure during your consultation.

When Can We Start the Vaginal Rejuvenation Process?

After learning about our non-surgical options for vaginal rejuvenation, many patients have only one question: “When can I start?” When you are ready to proceed, we will help you create a treatment plan and schedule your first treatment.

Contact Bawa Medical to learn more about the best vaginal rejuvenation in Boca Raton today.